Joomla 4 - What to expect ?
Joomla! 4.x is the next major version of the Joomla! CMS.
This release will introduce new features, raise the minimum supported PHP version to PHP 7, as well as remove previously deprecated functionality.
Joomla 4 will provide simplicity and a better user experience while also being a more powerful system for developers.
Main Features
- New core UI based on Bootstrap 4
- Use of more Joomla! Framework packages
- Refactored event management system
- Introduction of a service container for global dependency management/injection
- Removal of jQuery from core
- Introduction of Framework agnostic Web Components
- Faster page loading times
Features under development in Joomla 4.0
- MVC layer improvements
- Full code namespacing
- User Interface Backend template, Frontend template
- New Media Manager
- Framework and General Improvements
Joomla 4 Tutorials and resources