Send Me a Copy Checkbox
I want to give my users the option to have a copy of an Email sent to them, rather than just sending it automatically with the Mailback. Can I do that?
I want to give my users the option to have a copy of an Email sent to them, rather than just sending it automatically with the Mailback. Can I do that?
Is there a way for me to export the form as a PDF document to send to the admin Email?
Can I set sender email into Reply-To field?
Read more: How to set sender Email address to Reply-to field
How to reply to submitter email adress? Here is example on how to do so but please be aware to use following solution at your own risk because your email might end up in spam folder.
Can I set the reply-to conditionally in my Mailback Emails using an element?
Read more: Conditional reply-to Addresses for Mailback Emails
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