
BreezingForms ist DER Formular Generator für Joomla!® der über alle Grenzen hinausgeht. Von einfachen Formularen bis hin zu komplexen Anwendungen, fast alles ist möglich. BreezingForms blickt auf eine längjähige Geschichte voller Innovationen zurück, immer mit dem Anspruch Trends zu setzten anstatt ihnen zu folgen. BreezingForms ist gespickt mit Enterprise Features die Sie so in der CMS Welt noch nicht gesehen haben werden. 

Die besten Beispiele sind hier Twitter Bootstrap Support, responsive Formular Layouts, automatisierte Optimierung für Tablets und Smartphones, Google Drive® Spreadsheets, DropBox® und Content Erstellung durch die perfekte Integration in Contentbuilder.

Verfügbar für Joomla!® 4.x / 3.x / 2.5 und WordPress

Hier geht's zu BreezingForms

ContentBuilder für Joomla!®

ContentBuilder ist ein einfach zu bedienendes und machtvolles Content Construction Kit das jeder versteht. Somit schließt ContentBuilder die Lücke zwischen Joomla Experten und normalen Benutzern die nicht auf die Vorteile eines CCK's verzichten wollen. ContentBuilder ist in der Lage vielzählige Joomla Erweiterungen zu ersetzen und Ihren Inhalt so darzustellen wie SIE es wollen!

ContentBuilder ist DAS "Schweizer Messer" für Ihre Joomla Seite. Egal ob Sie CRUD Operationen (create, read, update, delete) mit Listen und detail Ansichten brauchen, oder aus Ihren Daten Artikel erstellen wollen, alles ist möglich. Versuchen Sie es am besten aus und Sie werden schnell von den Möglichkeiten überzeugt sein.

Verfügbar für Joomla!® 3.x / 2.5

Hier geht's zu Contentbuilder


arrow What's Actually New? 

Since 2008, Crosstec is - and keeps - providing great extensions and support, mostly for Joomla!

However, with a now way larger team that already achieved a lot than in the past, we are in the process of releasing new projects, discovering new technologies and developing new products.

Our first new project that is released with immediate effect is, basically mirroring with what we are sucessful at Crosstec, but tailored for the needs of WordPress users.


We are starting Wptec with a set of services to help you maintain your WordPress based websites.

Especially our 3rd party plugin support should help you on issues you might have with WordPress plugins that are not solved by the original developers (be it because the plugin isn't no longer maintained, support fees are too high, etc).

If you are looking for support for WordPress - from an experienced team - is the place-to-go for you.



As mentioned above, Wptec is basically mirroring Crosstec but specialized in WordPress. This means we are also developing and publishing major plugins for WordPress just like we do at Crosstec and support those.



A clear NO. Joomla! is alive and kicking. We are currently making our existing extensions fit for Joomla! 4 and even develop new extensions on top of that.

We are certain that Joomla! 4 will boost the overall Content Management market and has the potential for further growth of the Joomla! community.



Since Crosstec has always been planned as a resource for cross-technologies, we were constantly discovering and researching new interesting fields aside from classic Content Management.

From a technological point-of-view, we see a perfect fit for content distribution on the Blockchain and are developing applications on "grass-root" level to actually get there.

The release of the first application based on our research will be announced at Crosstec, soon.

Though it won't have a direct connection to Joomla! or WordPress yet, we are laying the foundation for supporting Content Management Systems with Blockchain technology.



Crosstec says thank you for supporting us in the last 10 years and we are looking forward to the next!

If you have any kind of suggestions, please don't hesitate to drop as a few lines in the forums.


Your Crosstec Team! 




Sommer Special! Alle Mitgliedschaften zum Sonderpreis!

Prio Support, alle Extensions und alle Templates in einem Paket.

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