From the Advanced tab, here you can define a number of form effects like fading, rollover, different theming or mobile forms.


  • Form Options - "More Options"
    Once you have saved the form, a link to "More Options" will appear right below the Form Options heading. This Link leads you to furhter Breezingforms settings like email settings and custom coding sections.

  • Themes
    Quickmode is shipped with two theming-engines, Bootstrap themes and Breezingforms themes. Both shipped with different settings default is Bootstrap. Please note that Bootstrap does not support fading and rollover effect.

  • Mobile Forms
    if enabled a mobile user will see an additional link in the form which open the form optimized for his device
  • Force Mobile Forms
    if enabled a mobile user will directly see the mobile version of the form. 
  • Desktop URL if forced mobile
    The redirect URL for mobile users after filling the form and returning to your site.

  • Use Joomla tooltips for hints
    switches between Joomla tooltips and the Breezingforms tooltips

  • Disable Jquery at conflicts
    In most cases NOT needed but if you face issues with paging or validations in your form enable this option and test your form again.
  • Use Alerts on Errors
    If you have set any of your form fields to validate, an error message is generated if a field isn't filled in, or is filled in incorrectly. If this field is left unchecked, the error message will appear at the top of the form. If you check this field, then a Javascript alert will pop up.
  • if no alert on errors
    these errors are only triggered if alerts are disabled. They are shown as Joomla standard errors or as balloo errors in the elements
  • Fading Effect on Form Entry:
    If you select this option, your form fields will fade in as the page loads (Breezingforms themes only).

  • Rollover:
    This box is checked by default. When checked, a field will change color when it is moused over(Breezingforms themes only).

  • Rollover Color
    If you'd like to change the rollover color, enter the hex code here for your preferred color. Don't understand hex codes or know which one you want? Here's a good source for you.

  • Visibility Rules
    In order to turn fields and/or sections on and off conditionally, you need to add your visibility rules in this field. For more information about conditional fields and visibility rules, please click here .

  • Save Properties
    Once you have filled in the necessary fields on the Properties tab, click the "Save Properties" button located at both the top and bottom of the screen.

  • Save Form
    Important: The "Save Properties" button only saves the parameters of the form tab that you are on. IT DOES NOT SAVE THE FORM ITSELF. To save the form, click on the "Save" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page.


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