Here on the manage records page is where you come to see all of the forms submitted to the database. From here you can view, export and even check payment and download times of a form.

PDF, CSV and XML Download Buttons:

Allows you to create and download files of the selected records.

Set Viewed, Set Exported and set Achieved Buttons :

Allows you to switch the view of the records to the corresponding button to see if the items were used or not for the selected buttons.

CSV upload Button:

Allows to import records via CSV files to a form. The exported CSV needs to be from the same form. Possible use case would be to transfer records from one Joomla site to another and both have the same form.


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3rd Party Discount - 25% Off

We help you to keep your costs under control. If you are a new member and purchased a form building tool from a different form vendor, then you'll get a 25% discount on our subscription plans.

How to receive the discount:

Send us a quick email to with a proof of purchase (for example a paypal receipt), await payment instructions and enjoy your membership!