I want to send my form values to a URL instead of sending them in an Email message. Can I do that?
Yes, you can. Just re-submit the values using a hidden form, right after the submit.
To do this, go to your form's properties > Advanced Tab > More Options. Then click on the SUBMIT PIECES tab and scroll down to the END SUBMIT section.
Click on the CUSTOM radio button, and in the textarea that opens, add the following code:
$this->execPieceByName('ff_InitLib'); echo ' <form name="myresubmit" action="YOUR-TARGET-URL"> <input type="hidden" name="somefield" value="'.htmlentities( ff_getSubmit('somefield') ).'"/> <input type="hidden" name="somefield2" value="'.htmlentities( ff_getSubmit ('somefield2') ).'"/> <input type="hidden" name="somefield3" value="'.htmlentities( ff_getSubmit ('somefield3') ).'"/> <!-- and so on ... --> </form> <script> document.myresubmit.submit(); </script> '; exit;
(Remember to replace the 'somefield' variables with your field names!)