I have a form created in Quickmode and have a number of fields that are required. I have ticked the necessary "Required" box and selected the FF::ff_valuenotempty validation script, but the form still submits with empty fields.What's wrong?
There is sometimes a problem when using a copy of a form where the form gets duplicated but the elements don't map correctly, causing a conflict in the database. The workaround is to copy the original form by creating a package and installing it again:
Then open the form you just installed (you can tell which one it is because it will have a higher ID number), and save the form once as it is. Once you have done that, rename the form, click on the SAVE PROPERTIES button to save the change you just made, and then click on the SAVE icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to save the form itself. Those steps some how remap everything so it all works properly again.