When I click on the "next page" button, it doesn't return to the top of the page. How can I fix it so it does?

1. Go to Components > BreezingForms > Manage Scripts.

Click on Validate and Next Page. Add self.scrollTo(0,0); at the bottom of the function, just before 

the } // ff_validate_nextpage line.

The script should now look like this.

function ff_validate_nextpage(element, action)
     if(typeof bfUseErrorAlerts != 'undefined')
     error = ff_validation(ff_currentpage);
     if (error != '')
          if(typeof bfUseErrorAlerts == 'undefined')
} // ff_validate_nextpage

You might want to make the same change to other scripts that provide page navigation, such as:

- Next Page (ff_nextpage)
- Previous Page (ff_previouspage)


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