Can I store my form values to a different table than the Breezingforms tables?
Here are some instructions on how to use the BreezingForms integrator.
The integrator (since 1.5.9 build 700) is a nice way to store the data of your forms into any database table of your Joomla installation (mostly tables beginning with jos_).
The concept behind it is quite simple:
- If you just want to insert new data you choose the form, the database table where you want to store the data, and the fields to copy (for example, for newsletter subscriptions).
- If you need to update existing entries, you will need the information above plus some sort of criteria that indicates where to save what and when (For example, community builder personal info updates).
- Integrator is installed once you install BreezingForms. It does NOT need any additional installation.
But let's start with a simple (insert):
1. In the Integrator screen click "New" in the upper right.
2. Choose a name, select the "SampleContactForm" and as target table "jos_users" and as "type" leave "insert".
3. Hit "save" in the upper right.
4. Now a second table appears: "Data Integration"
5. As _incoming_ element choose "cf_name (Text)" and as _outgoing_ element choose "name (varchar)".
6. Click "add".
7. Then as next choose "cf_email (Text)" and as _outgoing_ element choose "email (varchar)".
8. Click "add".
9. In each of these data integrations you see a link "Code", click on the code for the item "cf_name".
10. In the appearing box enter this: $value = strtoupper($value);
11. Hit "save" below the codebox. What you have just done is to uppercase the incoming name on a form save/data copy.
12. Now open the SampleContactForm itself, enter some data and submit.
13. Now go open phpMyAdmin and browse to the "jos_users" table and you will see the new entry.
For updates so this video tutorial.