Due to the recent pendemic developments and the required restructuring, we decided to get back to forum support to give easier access to professional support.

Instead of the old ticket system, please post your support questions in the Club Forums.

We will however continue to clear the old ticket system's backlog.

Thank you for your understanding!

Special Offer

Sale! All subscriptions at a special price!

Includes prio support, all of our current and future Joomla!® extensions and Joomla!® templates for the duration of your membership.

Get it from here

3rd Party Discount - 25% Off

We help you to keep your costs under control. If you are a new member and purchased a form building tool from a different form vendor, then you'll get a 25% discount on our subscription plans.

How to receive the discount:

Send us a quick email to sales@crosstec.org with a proof of purchase (for example a paypal receipt), await payment instructions and enjoy your membership!