I need to publish an article on my site, but I don't want to show it in the menu. Is there a way to do that?

Go to Menus > Menu Manager and then click on the NEW icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

In the screen that opens, enter the following information:

Unique Name: hidden (or invisible, or whatever you want to call it - this should be a single word with no spaces or other special characters)

Title: Hidden Menu (or Invisible Menu, or whatever you want to call it)

Description: Enter a descriptive phrase

Module Title: Leave blank.

When you are returned to the Menu Manager screen, make note of the ID that is assigned to your hidden menu. (The ID should be the farthest column on the right.)

Now, when you hover over the MENUS tab at the top of the Joomla screen, you should see your hidden menu listed there. Click on it, and then click on the NEW icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

In the dialogue box that opens, select Menu Type: Articles > Article Layout.

In the parameters on the right-hand side, select the article that you want placed in the hidden menu.

Make sure that the Display In field shows your hidden menu. Fill in the other fields as you normally would, and then click on the SAVE icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

When you are returned to the Menu Item Manager screen, make note of the ItemID that is assigned to your new menu item.

To create a link to the article, use the following format:





Replace xx with the ID number of the article you want to link, and replace yy with the ID number assigned to your hidden menu.

Now test the URL to make sure that it works.


If you want to link a BreezingForms form directly to a hidden menu, then create the hidden menu asnoted above. Find the hidden menu in the Menus dropdown. Click on it, and then click on the NEW icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

In the dialogue box that opens, select Menu Type: BreezingForms. In the parameters section, enter the form name EXACTLY AS SHOWN (including case sensitivity) in the NAME column on theManage Forms screen. Make sure that the Display In field shows your hidden menu. Fill in the other fields as you normally would, and then click on the SAVE icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. When you are returned to the Menu Item Manager screen, make note of the ItemID that is assigned to your new menu item. (It will be in the last column of the form.)

To create a link to your form, use the following format:




Replace xx with the ItemID number of the form you want to link to, as noted above.

Now test the URL to make sure that it works.


NOTE: If you are using BreezingForms version 729 or earlier, the URL 

should be linked as:



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