I am trying to export records from within BreezingForms to Excel in CSV format, but when the file opens, the columns aren't formatted correctly. How can I fix it?

If you are using Excel 2003, you should use the semicolon ( ; ) as the separator. If you are using 2007, you should use the comma ( , ) as a separator.During the export, instead of opening the file in Excel immediately, choose the option to save it instead. Once saved, go to the file directory where you stored it and rename the file from FILENAME.csv to FILENAME.txt. Then open the TXT file in Excel. When you try to open it, you should see a Text Import Wizard dialog box. The fields should be completed as follows:

Choose the file type: DELIMITED (not Fixed Width)
Start Import at Row 1
Click NEXT

Delimiter should be ; or , depending on which you entered in the configuration Text qualifier should be " unless you have changed it
Click NEXT

You can choose format for each column if you'd like to use it, then click FINISH. Your data should now open in column form.


Wenn ich in "Einträge Verwalten" meine Einträge als CSV Datei exportiere und diese dann mit Excel öffne stehen alle Einträge in der ersten Spalte. Wie kann ich das ändern?

Das liegt in den meisten Fällen an den unterschiedlichen Excel Versionen und den jeweiligen Einstellungen bzgl. CSV.  Als erstes sollten Sie versuchen den Seperator von Komma auf Semikolon zu ändern. Desweiteren bitte den Zeilenumbruck von "normal" auf "makiert" ändern (oder eben anders herum).

Weitere Tips gibt es auch direkt von der Microsoft Homepage:



All of the text in the file appears in the first column.


  1. Select the range of cells that contains the text values. The range can be any number of rows tall, but no more than one column wide.

Note: There must be enough blank columns to the right of the selected column to accommodate the columns of data you want to create or the data to the right of the selected column will be overwritten.

  1. On the Data menu, click Text to Columns.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Convert Text to Columns Wizard to specify how you want to divide the text into columns.



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