How do I change the amount of space there is between the form label and the field?


Go to your theme.css file. In Build 730 and higher, it should be located in:


In Build 729 and lower, it should be located in:


Look for:


.bfQuickMode .bfInline .bfLabelLeft .bfElementGroupNoWrap

     width: 48%;



You can change that percentage to whatever you want. (I changed the width in my forms to 22% which seemed to layout fairly nicely. Your 

mileage may vary...)

It looks like only Classic Mode supports Joomfish. How can I translate my QuickMode andEasyMode forms to different languages?

  1. Create a master form in English.
  2. Make one copy of the master form for each language that you need, and give each copy a unique name. (For example, "myFormFR" or "myFormSP")
  3. Translate all items for each form.
  4. Publish the master form as a regular BreezingForms menu item.
  5. Translate the published menu item using Joomfish, and in the formname field use the unique name as described above (e.g. "myFormFR" or "myFormSP")

You will see that this is a lot faster and less stressful than using Joomfish.



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