How do I change the fonts in my forms?
Make a new template which you can adjust as you please. To do so, go to your templates folder:
In Build 730 and higher
Make a copy of the /default folder and paste it back in with a new foldername (i.e. mytheme).
Open the theme.css file in your new folder. You will see that each of the CSS elements is laid out and ready for whatever changes you want to make to fonts, colors, etc. For example,if you wanted the text to be in Comic Sans MS, here is the CSS you would need to adjust to accomplish that:
.bfQuickMode { font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; }
Once you've made the necessary changes, save the CSS file and reupload it your new mytheme folder. Then, in the form properties, select "mytheme" from the Theme dropdown list.